Let’s face it, packing up and moving inanimate objects for your house move isn’t rocket science! Instead, it’s just a case of placing them carefully in a box, or putting them on to a van in such a way that when they get to the other end and are unpacked, they’re damage free. Simple! But what about when we have to move our beloved canine friends. Now that’s a completely different ball game.
Dogs love familiarity and that means your home. They love routine and as a result, any transition for them can be tough. With this in mind, how do you make it a smooth process for them? Here are 5 steps to dog moving success.
Step 1 – Be Calm
There’s no doubting that on the day of your impending house move things just might get a little stressful. However, for the sake of your dog, it’s important to stay calm. Why? Because your four-legged friend doesn’t really care where they are or what they’re doing, just so long as their owner is happy and gives them some attention. If the owner is stressed and appears too busy to give the dog some ‘me time’ then chances are the dog is likely to pick up on this and will start to feel anxious. So remember, if you want a relaxed pooch, you need to stay calm yourself.
Step 2 – Don’t break their routine
Dogs love routine and much of their good behavior and training is based on the preservation of it. The key here is to try and keep as much of their same routine right up until the move and beyond. Keep meal times the same by making sure that they eat out of their regular bowls and in the same spot. Even though chaos is ensuing around them, they’ll at least know that some aspects are normal. In addition, try to keep regular times with walks (even on moving day!) and also try not to deviate from when they go to bed. A dog with routine is going to be one happy and contented creature!
Step 3 – Familiarisation
This may be easier said than done but if you’re moving locally, try to take your dog for a walk around the neighborhood. It allows them to meet any new dogs in the area and will make them feel instantly at home when the move does take place. Remember, a dog in familiar territory is going to be more relaxed and is less likely to run away. If it’s impossible to familiarise them with their new surroundings beforehand, then make sure they can’t escape and give them lots of fuss and attention. This brings me nicely into my next point….
Step 4 – Spoil them
Whether it’s frequent treats, longer play times, or longer walks, the more attention the dog gets at this strange and confusing time, the better your pooch will take to the move when it happens. So go on – overindulge them a little! You can always get back to normal as soon as they’ve fully settled in
Step 5 – Keep a close eye on them
Finally, immediately after your move, it’s advisable to keep a close eye on them. It’s important not to leave them home alone (even if you think it’s only for half an hour) at least until they feel established in their new surroundings. Give them excess fuss and attention and monitor any different behavior closely.
Carrying out these simple steps won’t cost anything except your time and will make all the difference to your pet when the big moving day arrives.
If you’re still trying to find a reliable and trustworthy removalist for your upcoming move then contact On The Move Removals. We’ve been in the industry for many years and as such offer a reliable and professional service from people who care. Contact us today on 1300 66 84 36