Moving provides the perfect opportunity to have that “massive” cleanout that you have threatened for so long. Regardless of how big “massive” is to you as an individual, this represents the ideal time to do it. As professional home removalists, so many are the times where we find we are moving items which are obviously no longer in use. These include wardrobes, shed items, electrical items and fittings even old dog kennels (and the dog passed away several years ago).
As mentioned in my blog post Planning Your Move, be sure before you move that all items (think pool tables) will fit where you want them to go.
Remember, if you do not need these additional items, by selling them you not only decrease the cost of your move, but you also generate cash if you sell them.
So now, let us look a little closer at the main culprits which clutter houses.
Obviously, this is the big ticket item when you are wishing to decrease the volume of furniture in your move. Start by using a floor plan of your new home to measure where furniture will or will not fit. If you have a piece which you are not really in love with, is this the opportunity to move it onto a new owner (maybe the people who purchased your old home, or Gumtree)? As with any planning, commence this process well in advance of your move date to try to have everything gone before your removal date.
In today’s throw away society, it doesn’t take long to fill a drawer (or two, or three) with old cables, chargers, Nokia or Erickson phones, VHS players etc. etc. Whilst these were originally kept with the best of thoughts in mind, if they have been living in a drawer for twelve months or more without seeing the light of day, do they really need to be kept? Once again, sell them via an online platform or dispose of them, always in an environmentally friendly manner.
We are all guilty of keeping that old clothing item because, even though it is too small now (must have shrunk in the wash), we live in the forlorn hope that, one day it will fit again. Let’s be realistic, even if we do manage to shrink our body size that much, will that fashion still be in vogue?
Try this method of decluttering your robe.
When you wear an item, hang it to one end of your robe. Keep doing this over a set period of time (say a winter, or a full year) and at the end, those items which have not been on public display over whatever period you have set, really need to be looked at seriously. If you are still believing they are too good to become grease rags, give them away to a charity where they will become re-loved by another owner.
If you are serious about decluttering, this is an area where you can not only save a mountain of work on removal day but also possibly save your family some discomfort from eating or using out of date products. Have a serious look at the number of opened, half used jars and packets you have in your pantry and cupboards. How long is it since it was opened and what is the use by date?
Another huge problem with foodstuffs is millmoth. These are a little grub (the larvae), not unlike a maggot which will pupate and become a moth (about 10 to 12 mm in size) which is grey in colour and when resting it will have its wings in a position which makes it triangular in shape. These moths will lay their eggs in a “web” which will be either along the top of the pantry or inside foodstuffs. Having owned a pest control company for over twenty years I know these guys are hard to control, but moving is the perfect time to leave behind (or throw away) any infested items of food.
Follow this same method into the laundry, bathroom, and even the first aid kit. You will be amazed by just how many half used, out of date, leaking or no longer required items you have been keeping. Probably not a good idea to get rid of these on Gumtree, but do ensure you dispose of them (especially the medicines) in a responsible manner.
Now, before I start here, I have to admit that I am a male with a shed and we all (men that is) get a bit touchy when someone wants to throw something away from our shed. After all, that is our castle.
Having got that out of the way, sheds are probably the biggest offender when it comes to clutter. Unfortunately, in many cases, the shed becomes the repository for everything which is either broken (and can’t be fixed), no longer used, only used when great aunty Gill visits from overseas or some other reason.
With a shed like this, you need to start a long time before you even purchase your new property. If you have a large shed which is currently full, you will probably need a shed of equal or greater size at your new property. Even then, do not be afraid to get in a skip bin. If your shed has become the local rubbish dump, then it is probably time that this became official. Any of those items which are useful, but no longer of any use to you, sell them or give them to a good mate.
With a good mate, you can always borrow them back if you need to. If you decide to buy your new home with a smaller shed, be prepared to become completely ruthless in your pursuit of decluttering. If you did not have enough room in a big shed, you will never fit it all into a smaller shed.
Planning on moving soon? Contact South West Removals to move houses from Perth to Bunbury, the South West, greater Western Australia and also interstate. Contact us or call (08) 9725 4766 to speak to a home removalist today.